• Recent posts

    This is some text w/ a link. March 12, 2011
    This is some text w/ a link. March 12, 2011
    This is some text w/ a link. March 12, 2011
  • Second Column

    There once was a lady who lived in the, she didn't know what to do. So she found Peter and they ate pumpkins..

    The gates of Winterfell are closed.

  • Third Column

    It was a dark and stormy night. Only the men on the night watch were up at this freezing out.

    Then multiple rows of torches lit up the sky in preparation for the attack.

  • Fourth Column

    Arrows flew through the air leaving a trail of smoke. Each fell short on the mark.

    The walls have saved the men on the night watch.


White Dragons of Bushido

Martial Art Quote:

"Knowing others is intelligence; Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power." -- Lao-tzu "A journey of a thousand miles should begin with an itinerary...THEN a step.
No one should go anywhere if they don't know where they're going."

-- Unknown
(All Quotes)


:: November 23, 2005- posted by: Derrick Hampson ::

Closed on Thanksgiving day

White Dragon dojos will be closed on November 24, for observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Enjoy the time with your families. We will re-open on Friday November 25.

:: November 18, 2005- posted by: Derrick Hampson ::

Knife Seminar

Paul Adkins Knife Fighting Seminar
Date: November 26, 2005
Time: 2:30 pm - 4 pm
Cost: $45
Location: White Dragons Dojo #2, 344 Washington Blvd.

RSVP & Information
877-615-9388 Toll Free

:: September 29, 2005- posted by: Sempai Mom and Sempai Tommy ::

Happy Birthday to Christina

Happy Birthday to Sempai Christina today!!! We are so proud of your achievements and accomplishments.
Keep kicking butt!!!

We Love you,
Sempai Mom and Sempai Tommy

:: September 23, 2005- posted by: Masterpinkbelt ::

Halloween Party 2005

Be planning to have a spooktacular time at this years Halloween party.
October 28, 2005
More info to come.

:: August 25, 2005- posted by: Masterpinkbelt ::

August 30 & Sept 1 NO CLASSES


'The Peak' facility will be closed the week of AUGUST 29TH, 2005.
No Martial Art trainig classes will be held that week.

Sept. 6th will begin the new fall class training schedule. Please check the Dojo #3 schedule page for the class listing. Make sure you know when your class/classes will be held. It's always helpful to attend the correct training class.

Please check the Dojo #1 & Dojo #2 schedules as well for possible Ogden class participation. Some changes have been made at these Dojo's too. Ogden class participation is $4 per class, unless you are enrolled a in Brigham/Ogden training program. If you would like additional information about the Brigham/Ogden programs, please contact me (Masterpinkbelt, Jaylene) through this site, or message at 734-1759.


:: August 12, 2005- posted by: Derrick ::

Belt Test

The next belt test is on Saturday August 20, 2005.

Little Dragons will start @ 10:30 am
Youth & Adult @ 1 pm.

*All students test MUST have testing permission.
Test will be held @ Dojo #1

:: July 15, 2005- posted by: Shihan ::

Prayers for Kyle Brown

Dear Kind and Generous Heavenly Father
receive the Body and Soul of this young troubled Sprit
Unto your care and loving arms.
Bless him oh Heavenly father
As he returns home to you.
Please bless him as he enters paradise
as you have promised him.
Bless his family and friends who love and miss him so.
Please care for those in their time of need that knew this fine young man.
Please comfort his troubled heart and spirit.
Oh heavenly father, forgive those who have Died by their own hand.
Grant them peace and serenity from the inner turmoil that haunted them.
Comfort those who mourn, strengthen all to face the questions of pain, guilt, anger,
and irreparable loss of this boy.
Please grant us the insight and the compassion to reach out in love and true concern
to others who suffer and might prefer death over this Life given to us, and also to all the families who grieve the loss of a child.
Kyle God Bless you my Friend, My Student, My Champion, May your spirit be at peace and your Place in Heaven be close to God for all Eternity.
Oh Heavenly Father I ask for all the Blessings and give thanks for the blessing of knowing and having this Child in my Life and I ask for these blessings in the name of your Son Jesus Christ.

Sensei Kyle Brown we will remember you!

:: July 12, 2005- posted by: Sensei Monica ::

Congrats to the Summer Gamers!!

These students competed in the Utah Summer Games in Cedar City:

Raquel Dibble - She would have placed really well, but, ending her fabulous form with a dramatic ending landing in the splits tore her hamstring.

Tommy LeBaron - did awesome!

Christina LeBaron - Gold (5 to 0 in sparring!) and 4th in weapons!

Caderick Wilson - did awesome!

Taylor Lynch - Silver in freestyle!

Cody Harris - Gold in TKD sparring! Gold in weapons! Gold in forms! Gold in gymnastics!

Ron Harris - Gold in forms! Silver in weapons!

Sensei Jaxon attended to cheer on all the White Dragon students who were competing.
Awesome job students! Everyone did fabulous and had a super duper time!

:: July 10, 2005- posted by: masterpinkbelt ::


All White Dragon BRIGHAM STUDENTS can participate in additional classes.

Classes held at the 2 dojos in Ogden are open for Brigham White Dragon students. A fee of $4 per class will apply.

Please consult the Dojo #3 schedule on this site for class specifics.

We have just added a daytime Tuesday class at 3:00pm.
This class will be appropriate for Youth students.
(No Little Dragons, please)
Evening classes are available for Little Dragons on Monday, Wednesday & Friday at both the Newgate and Washington Blvd locations.
Evening & Saturday morning classes are available for older students that can be added to your Tuesday, Thursday 'Peak' options.

Pricing for multiple class attendance and multiple family member attendance available upon request. E-mail masterpinkbelt@aol.com.

Give your training a POWER BOOST with additional training.

:: July 10, 2005- posted by: masterpinkbelt ::



Calling all White Dragon students to make a note that we will be holding
Tuesday July 12th,2005 and for the following 7 weeks.
time: 3:00pm - 3:45pm
for: all students / all ranks
why: you asked for it
why else? we want you there
any other reason? it is more fun than mowing the lawn or hauling dirt!


:: November 23, 2005- posted by: Derrick Hampson :: Closed on Thanksgiving day White Dragon dojos will be closed on November 24, for observance of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Enjoy the time with your families. We will re-open on Friday November 25.

:: November 18, 2005- posted by: Derrick Hampson :: Knife Seminar Paul Adkins Knife Fighting Seminar Date: November 26, 2005 Time: 2:30 pm - 4 pm Cost: $45 Location: White Dragons Dojo #2, 344 Washington Blvd. RSVP & Information 801-621-2476 801-392-5200 877-615-9388 Toll Free